Tag Archives: Psalm

Country Living and Church


Above is a photo of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Richland Springs.  The latest census has caused the town’s population sign to be lowered to 336 people.  Obviously, they didn’t count cows, chickens, sheep, and goats!  We still have four churches in our community, and this church is the one I attended as a youngster.  When I moved back here to Richland Springs about 3 and half years ago, I was taken with how the smell inside the old church affected me.  The old wood wainscot, the wooden doors and wooden pillars all exude a unique smell which reminds me of my childhood.  I have so many memories of fond times in this old church.  My maternal grandmother, my parents, and my siblings were all members and in regular attendance.  Today, one of my childhood friends, who is a pianist extraordinaire, plays the piano.  Her music is a real ministry, and hearing her play is always a blessing.

Have a blessed Sunday.  “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)